Friday, April 9, 2010

Brunch at Home

I went to Dapitan Arcade yesterday and bought a set of colorful dinner ware.
The black tea pot goes on top of the cup to form something fun and practical while 
the autumn leaf-shaped soup bowl contrasts with the olive drab/sap green plate.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Someplace Charming

 The Porch

Dining and Living Area
  Fitting Room
Receiving Room
 The Balcony
And one lazy cat.

Today, I went somewhere in Pasay City where old charming houses hid behind deceiving rusty gates and dust covered walls. One of the great things with my internship with SPACE is that I get to visit amazing places not easily discovered.

Finally wore the loafers my dad bought me last month. I wore Matinee loafers from Aerosoles and yes, they're comfy :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Thursday and the Spanish Inquisition

I'm currently getting hooked on this.

Feathers Flare
Taking Pictures